Welcome to the GEAM tool

The Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) tool is an integrated environment for carrying out survey-based gender equality audits in academic organizations or organizational units. Its core instrument is a flexible questionnaire framework based upon the Athena Survey of Science, Engineering and Technology (ASSET) and on existing measurement scales in the scientific literature. It comprises a collection of questions that cover most aspects of gender equality in academic organizations, providing high-quality data for designing and implementing gender equality measures and assessing their impact over time. The GEAM does not replace the collection and analysis of Human Resource based data but provides an additional layer on peoples' (researchers, managers, students, assistants, etc.) perceptions, experiences, working conditions and needs.

The GEAM questionnaire is currently available in English, Spanish, German, Polish, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Italian, Greek, Slovenian, Ukrainian.  A reporting template (based on R Bookdown) will automatically generate a Word (docx) report with descriptive statistics (frequency tables and illustrations).



Developed by Advance HE, FUOC and Notus in collaboration with the ACT Consortium partners

Institutions that have used the GEAM